wonderfully fulfilled.
Discovering the twelve similarities in their lives,
I was also blessed to touch upon what provided the "wind beneath their wings", of what was, as the late folklorist, anthropologist, and master dancer, Katherine Dunham termed the "launching pad". I found that they were both deeply rooted in the love, service, and dedication to family, ancestral and bloodline and to a freedom and self-determination quest for both their people and women.
Yet when one thinks of the devotion of these two love warriors, one might tend to limit the contemplation to their love for humanity, forgetting that they were sensitive women who also experienced and embraced a deep romantic love--a love which in their early years unfortunately ended in heartbreak and disappointment but which nonetheless helped to serve as that launching pad to a greater mission. Mother Truth's greatest love, Tom, died at a young age, after having been forbidden to see her (since they were slaves on different plantations and his owner was loath for him to produce children that would become the human assets of his neighbor.) Tom was beaten brutally for daring to slip away to visit Mother Truth then called Isabella ("Belle") Baumfree when he heard she was ill.
Mother Tubman, on the other hand, faced heartrending rejection when her husband, John Tubman, refused to even come out to the woods to meet her on her freedom journey back to Maryland to take him to the "Promised Land" with her. To add insult to injury, he had even taken up with another woman during her absence.
Yet despite the pain of these losses, these magnificent women rose like the proverbial phoenix from the ashes and went on to pursue a mighty life mission and vision. One would remarry again to a devoted mate years later and one would walk alone, content in the companionship and love of the Divine. But I "talk" quite a bit about both these situations in the book. Do contact me if you would like to secure your personal copy
of MAMA MOSES AND MOTHER TRUTH and learn more about their personal love lives, the roots of their missions and visions as leading ancestral contributors, and their numerous life similarities. The price is
$12 plus postage. I believe you'll enjoy getting into it for the holidays.
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